Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School

Yesterday was Maya and Elias' first day of school. Maya got on the bus without a hitch and I drove Elias to school. I could tell that Elias was nervous but I know he'll love being around other kids all day. I didn't drag out my good-bye to him, I could tell he was getting upset. So after a quick hug and kiss I left him in the care of his very capable teachers. I made a quick stop on my way out to wave to Maya and remind her to look for Elias after school at the buses. Hannah and I waited at the bus stop for the kids after school. Elias got off the bus with a huge smile on his face. Both kids took the bus to school this morning.
Hannah and I have been hanging out looking at each other and laughing. We are both a little shocked at the quiet and calm around here without the other two. We've read tons of books, made bread, and colored pictures. Unfortunately we can't walk to the park to play because Hannah has the chicken pox so the back yard will have to do for now. Hopefully she'll get better soon.

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