Last week I took Elias and Hannah to the MD for another round of shots. It had been about 6 weeks since their last visit and the pediatrician wanted to see how they are growing. Well, I got proof that I wasn't imagining things when I thought they had both gotten bigger. Hannah has grown one inch and gained 2 pounds and Elias grew one inch and gained 4 pounds. This would explain why clothes are fitting better, Hannah's pants are not sliding off her any more and Elias actually grew out of a couple pairs of pants and a shirt or two. They are still both on the very small side for their ages though. I did hear from a family in Wisconsin who adopted a sibling group of 4 from Ethiopia last year, all of their kids grew 4 inches and gained anywhere from 5-15 pounds. I have high hopes for my two.
I think Maya has been growing also. She put on a pair of pants the other day that were about an inch too short, they had fit her just fine last spring. I measure everyone on a wall in the kitchen last week. Maya had grown about 1.5 inches since last spring, that explains the pants.
In other news. Elias likes school. Saturday morning he was a little sad that he couldn't go to school that day. He did have soccer that morning so his disappointment didn't last long. We stayed busy the rest of the weekend with a party where all the kids got toys, dinner at Playland McDonald's, and a trip to the Children's Museum. Maya loved showing her brother and sister around the Children's Museum, the permanent exhibits of the ant hill, construction zone and the entire Our World room were the favorites.
Hannah started ECFE yesterday. We will go once a week now. She did well for a first day and ended up dancing around by the last song we sang. She especially enjoyed the play dough and the ball ramp. The teacher pulled out a jingle sheet (on old Winnie the Pooh sheet with jingle bells sewn on here and there) the kids used it like a parachute and laughed the whole time. The best part about ECFE was the racial mix, we have a Somali girl, a Latin American boy, an East Indian or maybe Sri Lankan girl and then Hannah. The other 6 kids are Caucasian, everyone was there with their mom. How nice for all the kids to have such great diversity in their weekly playmates.
1 comment:
Is Hannah wearing lipstick?! He he.
Can't wait to see you guys!
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