Friday, August 31, 2007


Earlier this week I took the kids to Duluth for the day to visit a family whose kids I used to babysit for. The oldest in that family just graduated from high school and is starting college now. How did that happen? Twelve years went by way to fast.
While in Duluth we visited one of my favorite beaches in Duluth, the flat rock beach, also known as Brighton Beach. The little kids got to see the big lake and throw rocks in the water. Elias amazed us all with his throwing arm, he could pitch them farther than I can. Then the kids decided to stick their feet in. Soon their feet turned into halfway up their legs, then both Elias and Hannah slipped and ended up sitting in the water. By the time we left they were both soaking wet but had huge smiles on their faces. Lake Superior was a hit. Later we toured my old neighborhood and I commented to the kids on all the changes. Maya was the only one listening, she loves hearing stories from my childhood. We had a great time on our trip and the kids were great travelers.
The last couple of days we have enjoyed spending more time outside in the cooler weather. Elias had his first soccer practice, he was timid at first but ended up running around the field with a big smile on his face. Then we all played on the playground. Hannah had her first ride in a swing. She loved it and soon learned the words "push please mommy". She also proved to be quite fearless on the twisty slide and the tunnel slide. Elias and Maya had fun in the pool yesterday, creating a water slide and later hurdling themselves over the side of the pool. Today we will search out more fun things we can do right in our neighborhood.

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