Happpy Birthday Elias!
Today Elias turns 7 years old. We celebrated his birthday with family on Sunday. He had a great time eating pizza, cake and opening presents. Tonight we are going out to eat at his choice of restaurant, Old Country Buffet. He decided this after Maya reminded him that last time they were there (with Grandpa) the each had 2 or 3 desserts. I do have one more gift for him, the book Henry's Freedom Box .
Today I went to Target after the kids went to school and day care and picked up 54 cupcakes to bring to the school. I happened to get to his class while Maya was in the common area outside their classes, she helped me with the door. When I brought the cupcakes into the class all the kids lookedtoward Elias and thanked him for the treats. He gave me a sheepish grin and a wave then turned back to the teacher. Obviously I did my job well and embarrassed him thoroughly.
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