Sunday, November 15, 2009
Impromptu Learning
Hair doesn't do itself you know
Monday, November 2, 2009
This morning Elias ran about a half mile, already his form looks better.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tis the Season
1. Isolation gown - it covers me from neck to calf.
2. Gloves - they need to overlap the cuffs on the gown.
3. Mask - covers the nose and mouth and makes everything I say sound quite muffled.
4. Eye protection - this year the hospital has sprung for reusable "glasses" we each have a pair to use until we loose them or they break. They fog up easily as your breath escapes out of the top of the mask making it that much more difficult to see things in the dark.
No more running into a room when an alarm is going off. In the least I need to throw on a pair of gloves and a mask. This is going to last until at least April. Yay me!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Instant Gratification
In the afternoon as we got out of the car to go into Ikea Hannah began complaining that she was thirsty. I ignored the whining until she directed it at me, "Moooommm I said I am thirsty!" I reminded her that I am not a drinking fountain so she would have to wait until we git inside where they do have a drinking fountain.
These incidences didn't seem like much at the time that they were happening but then I began to think of how many of our wishes and expectations are met instantly on a daily basis. We can walk into a fast food restaurant and walk out with a hot meal in five minutes. If I want to know the weather forecast I don't need to wait for the news to come on at 10pm I can just log-on the Internet and find out. Most grocery stores and large stores like Target and Walmart have express lines for people with a small amount of purchases. I can pay my bills online, no waiting in line at the post office to buy stamp, no waiting for the check to get to the biller and clear with the bank. If I want to send a message to a family member I just need to access my e-mail and presto they get the message minutes later. My daughter needs to get home from school, I just jump in the car and drive there to pick her up. Sure she has to wait but not as long as she would if she had to walk or rely on public transportation.
How different would my world be if we had to grow all of our fruits and vegetables then can them so they would be available all year. What if we didn't have a car, or computer or TV. Would we be better people or bitter people? I'm not ready to make any of these changes but I think I would like to get back to a simpler and somewhat slower way of life. Elias and Hannah lived in a village in Ethiopia that didn't have running water, no electricity, no one had a car, they lived off the land. Their family worked hard to care for each other and their neighbors. Tow years later that village hasn't changed but my children have. I need for them to stop always thinking of themselves first. Maybe that will change their attitudes about what they are owed instantly.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
First Day of School
Elias getting off the bus
Maya, First day of 5th grade
Maya getting off the bus
Hannah continues at her same day care. She has been working on recognizing letters and numbers. She surprised me earlier this summer by knowing so many letters. She loves to do work book pages of copying letters, finding matches, opposites, dot-to-dots and other preschool activities. One more year for her until she starts school.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Camping 2009 edition
Friday, August 7, 2009
Last Night
I am a nurse at a busy children's hospital that is connected to an equally busy adult hospital in fact the ERs are just a short hallway away from each other. Last night I was helping out in the ER early in my shift. It was fairly busy and getting close to midnight. A team of doctors and nurses had just finished performing a procedure on a teenage boy. The boy's father left the room to go to the restroom and he collapsed either in or near the bathroom. A nurse quickly helped him get up and into an empty exam room and alerted other staff about what was happening. The father was complaining of chest pain, was diaphoretic (sweaty) and clammy. A team made of nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists and a nursing assistant went into action. Within minutes of his fall he had an IV started with blood work drawn, he was hooked up to monitors and had oxygen applied via nasal cannula and an EKG was performed. The doctor looked at the EKG for 5 seconds and announced that we needed to get this man to the adult ER NOW. He was having a heart attack. They rolled him out and down the hall to the adult ER. His wife accompanied him there after being assured that her son, who was stable, would be well taken care of and would not be left alone in the room. From the time of the man's collapse to the time he was wheeled into the adult ER about 10 minutes. He likely was taken to the cardiac cath lab within the half hour. I was able to follow up with the nursing staff later that night and found that the man was doing well.
At first I looked at the event as a tragedy. Here is this 50 something year old man suffering a heart attack, his son is in the hospital, his wife is torn about who to be more concerned about. But what if he hadn't been in the hospital when it happened, what if he had been at home? Would the paramedics have arrived and get him to a hospital in time? Would he have just died in his sleep? Maybe there was a reason his son was suffering last night. Maybe he was suffering so his father could be saved. It wasn't his father's time to go, he needs to be here still. He needed to be saved. I am in awe of His work. I am confused by the way He does his work but it saved a life last night and for that there are many who are thankful.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I heart Facebook
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mini vacation
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I will never go to Chuck E. Cheese's again!
Fast forward 3 years. Our Girl Scout troop decided to spend their hard earned money at a day at Chuck E. Cheese's. I convinced my co-leaders to go to a store in a different suburb than I had gone before. The evening started out okay. The restaurant was bigger and cleaner than the one I had been to before. WE got our food fairly quickly and then the girls and Hannah and Elias started playing games and the trouble started.
1. A teenage girl approached Maya asking her if she could have her tokens. My refused then turned to me and told me she wasn't sure what this girl was asking her. The girl took one look at me, said "Oh?!" and walked away.
2. Elias found me after about a half hour and told me another child had taken his cup holding his tokens and tickets. He had set it behind him on the seat of the driving game he was playing. The boy just walked up and took it while he was distracted.
3. The same teenage girl walked up to the ticket counting machine I was using, reached around to the front and hit the print button. I called her on her scam. She said "Oh, my bad." I told her it wasn't her bad she did it on purpose and that I had seen her trying to scam my other girls all evening. She walked away. I did get my receipt and finished counting my tickets.
4. A girl walked up to the table one of my co-leaders was sitting at with all the tokens (before we ate) she was eyeing all the cups with tokens. My co-leader asked her is she could help her - the girl gave her a disgusted look and walked away.
5. At the end of the day several of the Girl Scouts reported kids trying to take their tokens or tickets, kids pushing their way to the front of the line to play a game, and people (adults and teens) asking them questions they felt uncomfortable answering - how old they were, where they lived, what school they went to etc.
Apparently Chuck E. Cheese's attracts people who do not have the same morals that I have. Therefore I will never go to a CEC again.
Monday, May 4, 2009
He Bikes
I had taken the training wheels off weeks ago but Elias still needed to practice balancing before he could practicing pedaling. Elias, happy to have his bike back, started coasting down the driveway with his feet inches off the ground. HE kept veering off to the left, I reminded him that he needed to look up and steer. He still veered off to the left. He blamed the bike. "The bike doesn't have a mind of it's own. It does what it is told to do." I told him. He grumpily agreed but still was blaming the bike under his breath. I went off to investigate the lawn mower.
After awhile I noticed that Elias was now coasting down the driveway, turning onto the street and pedaling a few feet before losing his balance. He even started on the street, pedaled a few feet and lost his balance, falling into the grass. He was yelling at the "stupid bike." "That's right," I said " the bike is saying to itself that it doesn't like this boy riding on it so it's just going to keep pushing you off." He giggled at that and went for another go at it. He continued for awhile until I told him to come in for dinner. He was furious at the bike at this point and shouted over and over that he was going to put his training wheels back on. I kept silent and just led him into the house.
After dinner there was still enough time to go back outside. I went to work in the garden, Elias started back up with trying out his bike. The dinner must have worked wonders because after a few minutes he yelled at me to watch. He was riding. More than a few feet, he was riding down the street. He turned himself around and started up again. Again he rode down the street again, and again and again. He did it all by himself. I never even got the chance to run down the street behind him holding onto his seat. Though I supported him from afar and encouraged him he did it himself.
That's Elias. He can't stand to be wrong or not be able to do something and he won't give up until he can get it right.
Oh! I figured out the trail-a-bike problem and attached it to my bike too yesterday. Hannah and I took a few trial runs down the street and back. She loved it. Now that Elias can bike on his own we can go on some bike rides around the neighborhood. Now we have a whole new batch of parks and playgrounds we can get to without driving.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Maya!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Devestation, Fustration and then Happiness

Enjoying the weather
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Growing Up
I keep telling everyone that since Hannah turned four she has gotten sillier and seems happier. I just thought that she was growing up. Then one day it hit me. She has been with me almost as long as she was with her family in Ethiopia. Maybe it just took her this long to completely adjust. I am glad that she is happy but am saddened that maybe she wasn't happy for a long time. I know I shouldn't beat myself up about it because I can't go back and change things now. It just makes me feel like somehow I let her down.
I've learned from this. I'll think about how quickly I change her environment in the future. We'll take our time transitioning to pre-school in the fall. I am hoping though that smaller transitions will be easier now that she is happy at home.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Service Project Idea
This year we were a little slow getting time scheduled to work on a new service project but I would like to report that we successfully pulled it off these past Monday. The girls decided they wanted to do something to benefit animals. We had a hard time finding a time that all of us could go and tour the Humane Society so I scheduled to have a pet rescue group representative come and talk to us instead. About two weeks ago the girls made cat and dog toys and dog biscuits to donate to the rescue group. This week a rep from Second Chance Animal Rescue came to tell us about why animals are in rescue, how they get there, who cares for them and how they find homes. We even had a visit from Tracker, the four legged rep. from the group. Unfortunately I cannot post the picture of the girls with Tracker but I do have pictures of the toys and biscuits we donated. The girls had great questions and, I hope, learned a lot about animal rescue. Tracker ended the evening freely giving out his "autograph". All the girls left with a paw print magnet.
dog biscuits - recipe here
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Today Elias turns 7 years old. We celebrated his birthday with family on Sunday. He had a great time eating pizza, cake and opening presents. Tonight we are going out to eat at his choice of restaurant, Old Country Buffet. He decided this after Maya reminded him that last time they were there (with Grandpa) the each had 2 or 3 desserts. I do have one more gift for him, the book Henry's Freedom Box .
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So why am I looking to send her somewhere else? I feel that she needs a little extra help to get ready for kindergarten. Kindergarten has changed sine I went to school. Schools these days expect kids to already recognize and write letters and numbers. They really would like kids to already be sounding out letters so they can jump into reading. While I can do some work with her at home, I am limited to short amounts of time I can work with her. She had grown in leaps and bounds from the shy, frail toddler I brought home but I feel she needs more. More challenging tasks, new teachers to work with, new children to learn from.
I visited church preschool today. I wasn't super impressed with it. The learning area was small, the play area was small, the building was old and every child in the school was white. When I walked out of that school I sat in my car and called the Montessori school that Maya had attended from the time she was 3 years old through Kindergarten. Yes, they said, they have openings for the fall, they have openings right now too. I drove there right then. I had resisted sending her there initially because, they are much more expensive that what I am paying now for day care. Once I got to the school I realized it felt right. Some of the teachers have changed but the school is the same, the philosophy is the same, the methods of teaching are the same the school is like a big family, it felt like coming home. Why did I resist this for so long? This is where Hannah belongs. The school is multi-racial, Hannah will have other children in her class who are adopted, children who are not adopted, children who look like her sister, her cousin, her uncles, her mom, and like her.
Hannah deserves this. So without a second thought I have decided to send her there. Maybe she'll even start before the spring is over. I'll cut costs in other places if I need to. I promised to take care of Hannah and give her the best that I can. I can give her this.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Next Blog Button
Last night I spent quite a while looking at the 'next blogs'. There are a number of blogs that are in different languages, Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Chinese too. Since I don't understand nor can I differentiate between any characters of Japanese, Chinese and Korean I have no idea which language is which. I saw some stunning photos of a crater covered in snow, pictures of people all over the world, funny poems, pleas for families to take in rescue pets and even some items for sale. One page had flip flops for sale, they were dollar store flip flops with some ribbon added to make them cuter. The site was in Spanish and there wasn't any information about what country the blog was from but the blogger was selling them for R$28,000. I hope that converts to only a few US dollars because they weren't worth more than about $5.
Next time you want a little adventure on the internet try the "Next Blog" button. You never know what you will get.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Whirlwind Weekend
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
In other news: I really am buying the book from the post below as well as a c

The other book is for Elias and is titled Henry's Freedom Box. It is based on a true story of a slave boy who mails himself in a box to freedom. You can find other books illustrated b

I first found out about Kadir Nelson's illustrations when my sister, Jess, gave a book to Maya titled Waiting in the Wings, about a tall girl who is ballet dancer but can never dance in recitals because she is too tall for any partners and she just so happens to be brown skinned like Maya. I love his illustrations, I love that he draws brown skinned people and children in books that I am willing to give to and read to my children. Hopefully my children appreciate the books as much as I do. I wish I had enough money to collect all of his books.