Is there a bug on her head?Our summer has been busy! Two nights a week of baseball, two nights a week of track, one night of tennis. Maya and Elias are still in school until the end of this month, Hannah is at daycare daily. Mixed in we have had family visit from out of town, Maya went out of town to visit my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew and I have tried to do some fun summer activities with the kids.
Now that tennis and baseball are finished we have a little more time to spend together. Yesterday afternoon I had plans to pick up the Hannah from daycare after Elias and Maya got home and then we would go to Target to get the last of the school supplies (for next school year), a couple of grocery items and then pick out fun stuff to make for a raffle basket for the upcoming all school picnic. Those plans were squashed as we left daycare.

We headed out to the car after daycare, Maya started opening the sliding door and Hannah, behind her, kept walking forward directly into the car door! Hannah fell backwards on to her rear end, threw her hands to her forehead and began to cry. I went to help her up and found that her forehead was bleeding. I picked her up, grabbed open my door and found a clean, absorbent paper towel to hod to her head. The bleeding didn't stop for quite awhile, Hannah continued to cry and Maya began crying as well blaming herself for the injury. I got Hannah calmed down and inspected her wound - definitely needed stitches. The bleeding was just a tiny trickle so I got her in her car seat and instructed her to keep holding the paper towel to her head. Maya was still upset but got into the car buckled up. I pulled out my cell phone, called the pediatrician and got the car headed south. The pediatrician's office was hesitant about doing stitches on a 3 year old so I kept heading south to work, Children's Hospital. After a quick visit from the resident we sat and waited for the topical numbing medicine to take effect (45 minutes). We had some visitors, Sam and the child life specialist, Amy and we started to watch Ice Age. The child life specialist was great, she brought in a suture kit, minus the needle, and let Hannah, Elias and Maya explore it, trying out the different parts. When it came time for the suturing Hannah did wonderfully. Having the chance to see and touch the instruments being used beforehand was perfect preparation, she wasn't scared and didn't complain or cry. Suzanne did a great job suturing, only 4 little stitches. Once it was all done all three kids got a popsicle and stickers and Hannah picked out a stuffed cow to bring home. We were in and out in about 1.5 hours.

So our first visit to the ER (for any of my kids) went smoothly. I am somewhat surprised that Hannah is the first one to need stitches, she doesn't play nearly as hard as Elias. Though they were all impressed with having to go to the ER Maya was a little more awestruck than the other two about being able to see where I work. She claims that she doesn't like blood and such, but she handled watching Hannah being stitched up without cringing or getting nauseous. Maybe there is a future in medical care for her.
Elias told Hannah last night that it looked like she has a bug on her head. Indeed it does. Hannah still doesn't quite understand all that has happened. This morning she pulled the bandaid off, looked in the mirror and complained, "Mom this is still here". Yes and it will be for another 5 days!
1 comment:
Hannah sure looks stoked to have stitches! What an adventure.
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