Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Our Special Project
Happy New Year!
First birthdays with the family for Elias and Hannah
New vehicle - a mini-van
New pet - Minnie the wonder dog
Little League - Elias
Tennis and track - Maya
Swim lessons - Maya and Elias
Soccer - Maya and Elias
First family camping trip
Fourth Grade - Maya
First Grade - Elias
Growing like a weed - Hannah
Voting for a new President of the US
Family moving closer - Eva and Adam
New niece/cousin - Alice
Good times with family and friends!
Hope you all have a safe and happy 2009!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Since New
I spent the night caring for the children unfortunate enough to be hospitalized over the holiday. The hospital receives many many donations at this time of year. Someone spent all day wrapping gifts for each child staying overnight in the hospital, plus extras for any that arrive later in the night. I got be one of Santa's elves in scrubs, delivering presents to each patient while they were sleeping.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Who knew we were such good Disco dancers? Even the dog got in on the action.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes We Can
Yesterday I opened the news paper to see a large photo of Barack Obama next to a large photo of John McCain. I asked Hannah if she knew who they were. She pointed to Obama and said "He's Obama." Later in the day I took all three kids with me to vote. They didn't have the Kids' Vote at our polling place so we drove to the nearest one (about 2 miles), so my children would have a chance to share their vote. The Kids' ballot had a head shot of each candidate next to their name. Hannah took one look at the paper, pointed to Obama and excitedly said "There he is!" Of course she voted for Obama. I have one smart 3 year old.
What were you for Halloween?
For Halloween this year Maya was a fortune teller, Elias was a firefighter and Hanna was a princess. It was a lot more fun picking out costumes this year because Elias knew what was going on and Hannah kind of got it. The only part of the costumes I purchased was the reflective tape on Elias' costume. The rest of the costumes were things we had around the house or in the dress up clothes. Total cost of costumes this year? $6.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I Like It!
I was in Chess Club in elementary school. I never saw a game there that was quite as fun as this one.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Zombie Jamboree 2008 version
Before playing this video I suggest that you stop the music playing on the music player that's at the top right of this blog. (Just click on the play/pause symbol)
WARNING!! This video may cause you to hum/sing this silly song all day.
Fall Fun!
My kids get along great with their cousins. Maya and my niece, Greta are great friends. Despite the 3 year age difference they have a lot of similar interests. My sister told me that her son David talks about Elias all the time. Again there is a 3 year age difference but I saw Elias and David having a great time together all weekend. It's nice for Elias to have someone that looks up to him. Hannah just tries to play with everyone, she'll dig in the sandbox, play legos, barbies, house, dress-up, cars, anything that she can to participate in what everyone else is doing. My other nephew, Nicholas, has started learning how to play with the other kids. He is still more content to play alone or with a parent, but he is coming around.
Last week I found out about a
Friday, September 26, 2008
Myla and Cyrus
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back to School and Fall Fun
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Acceptance Speech
Fun And Exhausting Day
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
There's a bug on your head!
Our summer has been busy! Two nights a week of baseball, two nights a week of track, one night of tennis. Maya and Elias are still in school until the end of this month, Hannah is at daycare daily. Mixed in we have had family visit from out of town, Maya went out of town to visit my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew and I have tried to do some fun summer activities with the kids.
Now that tennis and baseball are finished we have a little more time to spend together. Yesterday afternoon I had plans to pick up the Hannah from daycare after Elias and Maya got home and then we would go to Target to get the last of the school supplies (for next school year), a couple of grocery items and then pick out fun stuff to make for a raffle basket for the upcoming all school picnic. Those plans were squashed as we left daycare.
So our first visit to the ER (for any of my kids) went smoothly. I am somewhat surprised that Hannah is the first one to need stitches, she doesn't play nearly as hard as Elias. Though they were all impressed with having to go to the ER Maya was a little more awestruck than the other two about being able to see where I work. She claims that she doesn't like blood and such, but she handled watching Hannah being stitched up without cringing or getting nauseous. Maybe there is a future in medical care for her.
Elias told Hannah last night that it looked like she has a bug on her head. Indeed it does. Hannah still doesn't quite understand all that has happened. This morning she pulled the bandaid off, looked in the mirror and complained, "Mom this is still here". Yes and it will be for another 5 days!
Friday, June 6, 2008
My Son, Elias

Later that week I told him that my brother or my dad could help him practice his swinging, catching and throwing over the weekend because he wasn't quite "getting it". He began to cry, put his head down on the table and exclaimed "You don't think I'm good at baseball!" I reminded him that he had never played baseball before and I didn't expect him to be good at it the first time he tried and I told him that even those baseball players that we watch on TV didn't know how to play baseball until they started practicing when they were younger. He perked up a little but was still upset that he wasn't perfect.
Elias had a game on Wednesday this week. He has been practicing and playing baseball for about a month now. I noticed that he does a great job getting his right elbow up and out, holding the bat correctly. He has a great swing and gets a hit every time he is up to bat. His throwing arm is amazing and he does pretty well catching as well. As we were walking to the car after game the grandma of another player asked if Elias had been playing baseball since he could walk, she thought he was a great player and looked as if he had been playing a long time. I told her that he had never even held a glove or metal bat until a month ago and didn't even know what baseball was a year ago. She was shocked and stated that he must be really talented to have picked it up so quickly. I just smiled and nodded.
I am excited that my son is talented in athletics. I'm more excited though that he is a nice kid and cheers on his teammates when he is not playing. He knows every boy on his team and cheers when they get a hit and shouts words of encouragement when they don't. He will go further in life as a team player who is nice to everyone than on talent alone. That is my son, Elias.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Two months of updates
Early May brought us Maya's birthday. We had a fun filled day on her actual birthday. First we drove an hour out of town to meet a dog that we did end of adopting and bringing home. (It sure was nice to have the mini van to make the longish drive with 4 kids and then later a dog.) Her name is Minnie, a 2 year old black lab/border collie/something else (Whippet?) mutt. She loves people, she'll follow us around the house until we sit, then collapse in a heap on the floor near our feet, content to sty near us until we move again. Even the cat decided (after a week) that the dog was okay to have around.
The rest of Maya's birthday was spent with a family birthday party at my parent's house and then Maya had a friend sleep over for the night. I was exhausted at the end of that weekend.
Elias started baseball a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been able to get outside to help him practice catching with a glove before the first practice due to the wet weather we have been having. So he showed up at the first practice having never caught with a glove nor ever having picked up a metal bat. He is so quick in learning and is so coordinated that by his second game (only a week after the first practice) he was able to hit the ball on his fist pitch ( a nice hit to right field). He still doesn't quite understand what a play is and how to get someone "out" but by the end of the season I'm sure he'll play like an old pro.
I'll try and post more updates and share some silly stories soon.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bossy, Bossy!
This past weekend we got some snow. Maya and Elias headed out to shovel the driveway. Hannah took her time getting ready to go out and when she was finally ready she stood at the door crying because "There is no shovel for me." I told her she could go out anyway and just play in the snow. "OK" she says then proceeds to open the door and yell "Elias, Mom said you share shovel with me." She repeated this about 3 times, until Elias finally came in to ask me if he needed to share with Hannah. I told him that he could take turns with her. After they both proceeded outside I sat in utter shock at how "Hannah the Little One" had completely taken the situation into her control so that the outcome was in her favor. I guess I'll need to watch her a little closer in the future and discipline for deception. Who thought I'd need to do that with a 3 year-old?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday Elias!
Elias' birthday was last Monday. We did celebrate on his birthday but I didn't have time to get pictures up. Elias brought treats to school to share with his class on his b-day - Little Debbie Swiss Cake Ro
Elias is still a joker. Just look at his face in the picture with his pile of unopened presents for proof. He continues to be happy most of the time. I'm told he still smiles all day long at school. He loves to play outside, run, sing, play legos, play with his sisters, anything sports, tell jokes, laugh at all jokes and read. He is doing great in school, starting to sound out simple words and do simple math problems. He desperately wants to be able to read as well as Maya.
Last week Maya and Elias started a new session of swimming lessons. They
The kids got the opportunity to go out on a frozen river last weekend. We saw a lot of people ice fishing,dogs, snowmobiles, and cars out on the river as well. I think it was the first time for all 3 of them to be on a frozen body of water. It was a fun activity for all of us and it was free! I need to seek out more of these fun free activities.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Busy Vacation Week
The up coming month is busy as well. Next week Elias turns 6 years old. We have a Girl Scout overnight coming up and two Girl Scout cookie booths. Maya and Elias started a new quarter at school today and both are excited about new classes and new subjects they are learning.
Unfortunately we were i