Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can

Congratulations to the entire Obama family, Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha!

Yesterday I opened the news paper to see a large photo of Barack Obama next to a large photo of John McCain. I asked Hannah if she knew who they were. She pointed to Obama and said "He's Obama." Later in the day I took all three kids with me to vote. They didn't have the Kids' Vote at our polling place so we drove to the nearest one (about 2 miles), so my children would have a chance to share their vote. The Kids' ballot had a head shot of each candidate next to their name. Hannah took one look at the paper, pointed to Obama and excitedly said "There he is!" Of course she voted for Obama. I have one smart 3 year old.
I've seen this everywhere today but I don't know who the author is. I'd like you to see it.
Rosa sat so Martin could walk,
Martin walked so Barack could run,
Barack ran so our children can fly.

What were you for Halloween?

For Halloween this year Maya was a fortune teller, Elias was a firefighter and Hanna was a princess. It was a lot more fun picking out costumes this year because Elias knew what was going on and Hannah kind of got it. The only part of the costumes I purchased was the reflective tape on Elias' costume. The rest of the costumes were things we had around the house or in the dress up clothes. Total cost of costumes this year? $6.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I Like It!

I was in Chess Club in elementary school. I never saw a game there that was quite as fun as this one.