Last weekend, after a week off of school, we spent a lot of time with the cousins

. My sister was in town with her two children. We went shopping and out for lunch on Saturday. Sunday we went to the Children's Museum (Free 3rd Sunday), went out for lunch, baked a cake, made dinner, then had a birthdays/anniversary party for my parents. During the free time the kids played and played and played. The weather was beautiful and the kids took advantage of it by spending most of Sunday afternoon playing outside.
My kids get along great with their cousins. Maya and my niece, Greta are great friends. Despite the 3 year age difference they have a lot of similar interests. My sister told me that her son David talks about Elias all the time. Again there is a 3 year age difference but I saw Elias and David having a great time together all weekend. It's nice for Elias to have someone that looks up to him. Hannah just tries to play with everyone, she'll dig in the sandbox, play legos, barbies, house, dress-up, cars, anything that she can to participate in what everyone else is doing. My other nephew, Nicholas, has started learning how to play with the other kids. He is still more content to play alone or with a parent, but he is coming around.
Last week I found out about a

new charter school that just opened this fall. It's an all girl school for grades 5-8. I am seriously considering this for Maya for next year. She isn't too excited at the thought of leaving her elementary school a year early but I am thrilled at the thought of an all female environment for learning. I'll tour the school next week.
We are deep into the fall schedule of extra curricular activities. Maya started swim lessons again last week, after a 5 month hiatus due to scheduling conflicts. She told me after the class that it felt great to be back in the water again. Both Maya and Elias have scouts as well. I continue to lead Maya's scout troop. Hannah cheerfully comes along to all the meetings and lessons.