Early May brought us Maya's birthday. We had a fun filled day on her actual birthday. First we drove an hour out of town to meet a dog that we did end of adopting and bringing home. (It sure was nice to have the mini van to make the longish drive with 4 kids and then later a dog.) Her name is Minnie, a 2 year old black lab/border collie/something else (Whippet?) mutt. She loves people, she'll follow us around the house until we sit, then collapse in a heap on the floor near our feet, content to sty near us until we move again. Even the cat decided (after a week) that the dog was okay to have around.
The rest of Maya's birthday was spent with a family birthday party at my parent's house and then Maya had a friend sleep over for the night. I was exhausted at the end of that weekend.
Elias started baseball a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been able to get outside to help him practice catching with a glove before the first practice due to the wet weather we have been having. So he showed up at the first practice having never caught with a glove nor ever having picked up a metal bat. He is so quick in learning and is so coordinated that by his second game (only a week after the first practice) he was able to hit the ball on his fist pitch ( a nice hit to right field). He still doesn't quite understand what a play is and how to get someone "out" but by the end of the season I'm sure he'll play like an old pro.
I'll try and post more updates and share some silly stories soon.