Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween fun


The trick-or-treating is done. The bags are full of candy and the costumes have been discarded along with all kinds of candy wrappers. The kids are jumping all over the place hoping more trick-or-treaters will come before bedtime.
Elias and Hannah took to trick-or-treating like old pros. They both loved seeing all the pumpkins on porches and especially loved picking out candy when allowed. Maya dressed up as Hannah Montana, complete with a blond wig, Elias was a friendly pirate and Hannah was a forest elf. We skipped make-up this year but they were all as cute as can be.
Hannah did see her first scary costume - the grim reaper with a skeleton face and a vampire with our first trick-or-treaters, she took off across the room screaming and crying. I guess I forgot to prepare them for the scary aspect of Halloween.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cooperative Kids

This is one thing you can do in a clean living room.

I was hit, big time, by Strep this past weekend. I thought is was just a virus until my throat swelled up and ibuprofen wasn't doing anything to help. So I got some oral pain meds and a shot of penicillin and I started feeling better, though I was exhausted all weekend. I tried really hard not to pass it on to the kids though Elias started coughing this morning at breakfast. We'll have to wait and see.
I had planned to get some pumpkins to carve, instead our weekend consisted of us staying home and the kids entertaining each other. I am actually really proud of how well they played together this weekend. Saturday morning I told them they all needed to help clean the living room and the family room and that if I heard any complaining they would have to clean the extra room in the basement. Right away Maya volunteered to clean the basement and convinced Elias and Hannah that it would be fun. I brought down a load of laundry and Maya brought some music and a CD player. We got the room clean in about 10 minutes (including vacuuming). Then the kids stayed down there playing some game they made up with Hannah's little bike thing. Later we got the family room and living room cleaned and vacuumed without any complaining from anyone! They then proceeded upstairs to play with their toys! Whose children are they? They hardly ever go upstairs to play unless they can convince me to go along. Maybe I should get sick more often.
The kids have decided on costumes for Halloween tomorrow but we haven't done any pumpkin carving, I just couldn't get out of the house to go buy any pumpkins. We'll save that for next year. We do have candy to give out, tonight we're going to practice magic and turn lollipops into ghosts. Have fun trick-or-treating.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's New Around Here

I've been frustrated with my camera lately. I have been having problems uploading pictures to the computer for awhile but I finally got some uploaded today. We have had some changes around here in the last few weeks. First we got a cute little cat named Bootsie. We brought her home Humane Society one Saturday in September. I took all three kids there with the intention of looking for a cat to adopt. I had found a few online that I thought might be okay. Bootsie was not on my list but apparently she thought she should be. Maya was looking at all the cats and Bootsie stuck her paws out of her cage as Maya went by, causing Maya to stop and look at her then declare that this was the cat she wanted. We spent a little time with Bootsie and Maya was sold on her so we brought her home. She is a very affectionate, petite 1-year-old kitty, she loves sitting on laps and tolerates all kinds of hugs, kisses and being carried around by the kids.

I started back to work last week. A new adjustment for Elias and Hannah, sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa's house. In addition Hannah started going to daycare in September to prepare for me going back to work. She loves daycare but lately has tried producing tears, clinging to me and crying as loudly as possible to get me to not leave her there. Of course she stops carrying on once she thinks I am gone. I actually heard her stop her crying one day on my way out the door, so I know it is all for my benefit. She and I go to ECFE once a week. I have found it nice to talk with a group of women going through the "twos" right now too. It's also nice to see Hannah cheerfully interacting with other kids.

Earlier this week Elias lost his first tooth and got 50 cents from the Tooth Fairy. He is very proud of losing his tooth and called Grandma and Grandpa right away to give them the good news. He had his last soccer game last week and was sad that he won't be able to play on a team again until next year. Elias is never sad for long, right now he is plotting how to spend all his money.

I took Maya and Elias to conferences at school on Monday. Basically they told me that Elias loves school and is always smiling. Sounds familiar enough, he is always smiling at home too.

Maya is getting into the swing of things at school and even doing her homework at home without too much complaining. She has really taken off with her reading and has started reading to the other kids once in a while. She is still swimming at the U once a week and we all go to Girl Scouts twice a month. (I'm one of the leaders again this year). I think Maya is actually enjoying not being so scheduled this year as she has more time to just play.